Merry Christmas, friends..!

Hari ini tanggalan menunjukkan tanggal 25 Desember 2012 sehingga hari ini hari Natal. Berbahagialah yang masih bisa ngerayain Natal taun ini karena empat hari yang lalu, tanggal 21 Desember 2012,  harusnya kiamat (kata abang-abang suku maya). Oke, langsung balik lagi, hari ini hari Natal. Karena hari ini hari Natal… tapi gw nggak ngerayain, dan ditambah gak bisa keluar karna di luar sana hujan badai plus cetar-cetar nan membahana (petir), ditambah lagi laptop yang biasa buat mainan dikala nganggur lagi sekarat karna virusan… jadilah gw mati gaya di rumah. Namun karena otak gw masih bugar dan menolak adanya kebengongan dan kengangguran, maka otak gw menyuruh gw ngegambar ini…… Bisa dilihat sendri pada Gambar 1, pada dasarnya gambar ini adalah diperuntukkan untuk ngucapin selamat hari Natal buat temen2 gw. <– (kalimat yang gak menunjukkan jejak ilmu MPPI).
Sekian dan terima komen dan traktiran tahun baru 2013 🙂

Gambar 1  Merry Christmas!!

Gambar 1 Merry Christmas!!

40 of Million Reasons Why I Love Surrealism Art

Surrealism is a style in which fantastical visual imagery from the subconscious mind is used with no intention of making the work logically comprehensible (Artcyclopedia). In easier terms, surrealism is the art of drawing or painting unreal and unpredictable works of art using the images from the imaginary world. Some of well known surrealism artists were Salvador Dali (1904-1988) and Vladimir Kush (1965-now), and I have always love surreal arts since my first encounter with their works (as most people are).

I always have a passion for surreal art as you can display images or scenes which can’t be captured in real life. The amount of ideas I can have here are almost endless and that’s why I love it. On this post I want to share to you the awesomeness of surreal art and what kind of surrealism I like (This time is for traditional arts: paintings, drawings, etc). I tip my hat to the talented artists behind the following works.

Warning: Some artworks may be disgusting for some people, otherwise they will excite your imagination!

(All of the images are linked to their original authors)

1. Myself Drawing Me

myself drawing me

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Random Surreal Doodle

Enjoy my random surreal doodle I drew in the meantime.
Don’t be too serious to think about what they means. They just (semi-)randomly popped up in my head.

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Thank you friends! 😀

CLICK if you want to see bigger image and details.

Surreal Biology Drawing

I drew this during my spare time, after I finished my biotechnology study in college. As you can see, I love biology and surreal things so I tried to mix the two, with a pen (oops, I mean a set of pens). I simply adore this, so I hope you do too :3

Surreal Biology by Vincent

Click the image for BIGGER resolution