Random Surreal Doodle

Enjoy my random surreal doodle I drew in the meantime.
Don’t be too serious to think about what they means. They just (semi-)randomly popped up in my head.

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Surreal Biology Drawing

I drew this during my spare time, after I finished my biotechnology study in college. As you can see, I love biology and surreal things so I tried to mix the two, with a pen (oops, I mean a set of pens). I simply adore this, so I hope you do too :3

Surreal Biology by Vincent

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40 Awesome Realistic Pokemon Illustrations

It’s Pokemon time!!   \(^▽^)/
Pokemon, for me, have always been very inspiring things. I like the “pocket monsters” design, the ideas of the design itself, and its fantasy appeal.
Ever imagine if Pokemons were real? This time I’ve decided to share my collection of realistic –or near realistic– Pokemon illustrations that I found in the internet. These arts are awesome and some are hilariously funny. Which ones are your favorites? Please share your comments 😀

Note: All of the images are linked to their original authors or sources.

1. Charmander

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